Monday, August 28, 2006

coffee grinders : Why Grind Beans at Home?

Grinding just before brewing will protect the aroma of your coffee. Ground coffee interacts with the air around it and, within hours, loses a great deal of flavor and aroma. The longer the ground coffee sits around, the less aroma you will find in your cup later.
Only grind what you need now. Don’t grind for the whole week!

Once the beans are out of an airtight packaging, keep them in a dry, dark container with a tight closing lid.
Conical Burr Grinders • Burr Grinders • Blade Grinders
Capresso offers grinders in all three categories. Click here to see a comparison chart.
Conical Burr Grinders preserve the most aroma and can grind very fine and very consistent. The intricate design of the steel burrs allow a high gear reduction to slow down the grinding speed. The slower the speed the less heat is imparted to the ground coffee thus preserving maximum amount of aroma.
Because of the wide range of grind settings these grinders are ideal for all kinds of coffee equipment, Espresso, Drip, Percolators, French Press. The better Conical Burr Grinders can also grind extra fine for the preparation of Turkish coffee. Grinding speed is generally below 500 rpm.

Burr Grinders with disk type burrs grind at a faster speed than conical burr grinders and create a bit more warmth in the coffee (10,000 to 20,000 rpm). They are the most economical way of getting a consistent grind in a wide range of applications. They are well suited for most home pump espresso machines. However they do not grind as fine as Conical Burr coffee Grinders.

Blade Grinders “smash” the beans with a blade at very high speed (20,000 to 30,000 rpm). The ground coffee has larger and smaller particles and is warmer than ground coffee from burr grinders. Blade grinders create “coffee dust” which can clog up sieves in espresso machines and French presses. These type of grinders are suitable for drip coffee makers. They also can do a great job for grinding spices and herbs.

They are not recommended for use with pump espresso machines.
When coffee is freshly ground and freshly brewed many people can tell the difference in taste from burr-ground and blade-ground coffee.
What else to look for in grinders?
Static, noise, safety and ease of cleaning are important factors.

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